Amelia Earhart
Born in Atchison, Kansas, Amelia Earhart (1897 - 1937), moved many times during her early years. She had a variety of jobs and interests, becoming a teacher and social worker at Denison House in Boston, and later a guidance counselor at Purdue University.
In 1928, Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in the Friendship flight, and in 1932, she became the first woman to fly solo on a similar route across the Atlantic. Author of two books, one published after each flight, she was founder and first president of The Ninety-Nines; Amelia also went on the speaking circuit across the country. Her Lockheed plane was lost at sea during a nearly successful attempt to fly around the world in 1937.
Selected Performance Sites:
- Medford Senior Center, September '19
- Falmouth Historical Society, September '18
- Litchfield (CT) Community Center, November '17
- Coventry (RI) Public Library, September '17
- Berlin (VT) Historical Society, May '17
- Westview Meadows & Gary Residences, Montpelier (VT), May '17
- Waterstone at Wellesley, March '16
- Spellman Museum of Stamps & Postal History, Wellesley, November '15
- Billerica Public Library, July '15
- Wellesley Hills Women's Club, March '15
- Owl's Head (ME) Transportation Museum Education Series, March '14
- Norwood Women's Club, November '13
- Mansfield Historical Society, Founders Day, September '12
- East Greenwich (RI) Public Library, March '12
- Zonta International Quarterly, Medford, April '11
- Framingham Public Library, January '11
- Richmond (RI) Historical Society, September '10
- The Discovery Museums, Acton, SMART Gals Family Night, November '09
- Hampstead (NH) Public Library, April '09
- Derby (CT) Public Library, March '09
- Environmental Treasures Program, Thomas Crane Public Library, Quincy, March '09
- Cambridge Center for Adult Education, December '08
- Tiverton (RI) Arts Center, July '08
- Nathaniel Bowditch School, 21st Century Summer Program, Salem, July '08
- Daniel Webster House, Marshfield, June '08
- Blake Library, Stuart (FL), Chautauqua South, March '08
- Brightview Commons, Wakefield (RI), March '08
- Zonta International, East Boston & Chelsea chapter meeting, January '08
- Millyard Museum & Aviation History Museum, co-sponsored program, Manchester (NH), December '07
- Ridgefield (CT) Public Library, December '07
- The 99's, New England Chapter annual meeting, Quincy, November '07
- Mystic River Day, at Amelia Earhart Dam, Medford, May '07
- Vermont State House, Montpelier (VT), March '07 [PDF]
- Wells (ME) Public Library, March '07 [PDF]
- Woodward School for Girls, Quincy, Alumna program, November '06 [PDF]
- Miami University, Hamilton (OH), October '06
- Bristol (CT) Public Library, July '06
- Groton Public Library, May '06
- Webster Public Library, April '06
- Pollard Memorial Library, Lowell, March '06
- Medford Public Library, July '05
- Concord Rotary Club, August '04
- Plympton Historical Society, April '04
- Middlesex Community College, Middletown (CT), March '04
- Gerald Ford Presidential Museum, Grand Rapids (MI), February '04
- Women's Union, Concord, February '04
- Norton Public Library, September '03 [PDF]
Enfield (CT) Public Library, March '03
- Merrimack (NH) Public Library, April '02 [PDF]
- Wrentham Historical Society, April '02 [PDF]
- Thayer Memorial Library, Lancaster (MA), October '02
- Littleton (MA) Lyceum, October '02 [PDF]
- Berlin Public Library, February '02
- Allston Public Library, November '01 [PDF]
- Westwood Public Library, August '01
- Stevens Memorial Library, North Andover, July '01
- Methuen Public Library, July '01
- Marlboro Public Library, June '01
- Meredith (NH) Public Library, April '01
- Forbush Memorial Library, Westminster (MA), April '01
- Women's History Month Celebration, Ft. Devens (MA), March '01
- Women's History Month Celebration, Lucent Technologies, Andover, March '01
- Medford Public Library, January '01
- Winchester Public Library, October '00
-"Take Your Daughters to Work Day," U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Boston, April '00
- Wallingford (CT) Public Library, March '00
- Weymouth Public Library, March '99 [PDF]
Chase Manhattan Bank, Boston branch, March '99
- E. Boston Public Library, March '99 [PDF]
- Dedham Public Library, July '97 [PDF] Â |